Dr Sofiya Regmi is Dang based General Dentist. She is currently not in particular practice. But, She can be of help for your oral and dental health, anytime.

Dr Pradeep Lamichhane owns a dental clinic is Chitwan: Anmol Dental Clinic. He is general dental Practitioner who can see all the dental related problems and can organize specialists in need.

Dr Sunil Kharel is endodontist based in Butwal. He runs his own clinic Nepal Dental Home. His specialty is Root canal Treatment that saves tooth/teeth from going in ruins.

Dr Binita Bajracharya is Pokhara based general dentist she works with Himalaya Polyclinic and diagnostic centre. Pokhara is a beautiful city of Nepal. Any dental problem you face ( in case) while travelling, she can help. We can promote dental tourism as well.

Dr Kripa Tamrakar is Kathmandu based Orthodontist. She is with own practice Dental Station. Orthodontics is one of the famous branches in dentistry that deals in wires known as braces, aligners, and tooth aligning works that is more of cosmetic concern of youngsters and elders alike.

Dr Amit Kumar Singh is Biratnagar based endodontist. Biratnagar is eastern hub for health, education and business. He runs his his endo clinic ( Root canal and tooth saving from going into crumbles ). His endodontic clinic is Smart care dental clinic.

Dr Bhavana Luitel is Kathmandu based general dentist. Her practice is located in one of the posh areas of Ktown: Tangal near Old Bhatbhateni. A chic name Dental Spa is her practice name and hope the service you may get as name suggests.

Dr Shakti Sharma is based in another big place area of Lalitpur, Kumaripati. Sydney dental is her practice name. She is general dental Practitioner and her special interest in cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic or esthetic work is for making your smile alluring and instilling you more confidence to smile better than ever.