A professional needs umpteen things to scale up the ladder of growth including his core professional knowledge. And, dental professional is not an exception. This platform , now!, is for dental clinicians only; Nepali dental clinicians (around world as well ). Mission of this platform is immense: to let you learn, grow, shine, polish your presence in the virtual and real world. We have very nominal annual support fees that you have to chip in. That money goes only for generating activities that heIps you. If you are to interested to invest your interest, you are most welcome.
Founder, curator and regular connector ( with crowd) of this platform is Dr Dinesh Karki. After 12 odd years clinical dentistry, He though of doing something new for the growth of unseen and unknown but hungry-to-come out (of cubicle) dentists. Besides clinical dentistry, Dinesh has special interests in Marketing, writing books, blogging, and running a case study of learned people’s Growth curve under his Growth lab. This is one of them.
Fill the form, if you want to be part and process of our mission.